Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome Year 2008 : Happy New Year

It's year 2008 already. Another year is going to start from today, and everyone is happy, and the air is fully saturated with new hopes and dreams, just like how the fireworks explode in the sky. There are countdown parties everywhere, in almost every city around the world. The atmosphere is warm and laughter can been seen and heard here and there. A new year is going to start after the clock strikes 12pm midnight, and people are all in full spirits, welcoming a new year, with the hope of a brighther future. Huge celebrations here and there, for the wishes which bloom inside everyone's heart...

And for me, there's no programme, no countdown party, nor any form of celebration. Alone, i sat in front of the computer, decided to countdown inside the game. It's pretty quiet here in the room, no sound of fireworks, except occasionally sound of firecrackers can be heard distance from the neighbourhood. Perhaps the loneliness somehow wrapped me around, forming invisible walls that cool me down, making me feeling low and down. So, i decided to have some fun playing online games, at least i won the game, haha. Sooner than i realize, it's already 1 am, time to go sleep. The sadness has made me feel extra tired, so i slept without much problem.

Woke up today, and it's already a new year. Neither feeling sad nor happy, i just feel sleepy but glad that i have a book (The Horse Whisperer) to read and that i learnt something precious from the dream i had yesterday night.

Helping around with house chores, play some games, read my book and i am contented. Oh yea, did i forget something?

Happy New Year 2008 ~~!

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