Sunday, September 21, 2008

Malaysia For One

Malaysia, a multi-cultural country where there are different races of people living together in this 329,847 km2 land. Since years ago before reaching independent, people of various races have been living together until now. Malays, Chinese, Indians, Iban, Kadazan, Bajau, Dusun and etc, all having their own unique culture. A mixture of everything, just like colours.

It’s part of human’s nature to be selfish, individually or in groups. So it’s not unusual to have arguments between races from time to time. We all have two eyes, two hands, legs, nose and ears, and the only difference is the colour of skin. And the question is, is the colour of skin is so important to even forget that we are all born from the same tree of different branches? Defining things are always human’s special ability, to be able to think rationally. Ironically, it’s also part of human’s weaknesses, to differentiate and judge on people by their skin colours, how funny.

One love undivided, fair and square. People living together in harmony and happily without dissatisfaction. One home for all of us, is all we should ask for…

(Below is a song made by Malaysia artists : Here in My Home)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

青花瓷 Green Flowerish Porcelain

I have always enjoyed listening to songs which use chinese traditional musical instruments. And recently i found one song which the whole song is sung based on the chinese traditional style, with beautiful lyrics and music. Listening to this song, somehow i can feel the gentleness and the beauty of the traditional Oriental...

青花瓷 Green Flowerish Porcelain



*天青色等烟雨 而我在等妳
炊烟袅袅昇起 隔江千万里

天青色等烟雨 而我在等妳 
月色被打捞起 晕开了结局



(Repeat Chorus)

The brush outlines a beautiful pattern, brush strokes becoming lighter. The peony on the bottle, simplest beauty, just like you .Whiffs of incense smoke bring your troubles to my heart. I pause halfway while painting.

The glazing of the lady’s portrait hides her charm. Your smile, to me, like a budding flower. But your beauty dissipates like smoke, to a place I can never reach.

The perfect shade of blue awaits the right weather, like how I wait for you. From a thousand miles away, I gaze at the curling chimney smoke. The calligraphy beneath the bottle, elegance of the Han Dynasty. Our meeting I foreshadowed.

The perfect shade of blue awaits the right weather, like how I wait for you. The moonlight smudged away the remnants of our ending. Like legendary porcelain obsessed with itself, your eyes full of laughter.

Those blue carp seem to come alive on the white bowl. While I am imitating the Song inscription I’m thinking of you. The eon of secrets you buried in the kiln. It’s exquisiteness like an embroidery needle.

The banana tree outside brought the sudden downpour, and in turn the copper rust on the door handle. My passing by Jiangnan brings me to you. Yet you fade away into the deep abyss of the Chinese painting.

(translation extracted from Chinatown.blogspot, special thanks)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Missing Passion

It's been quite some time since i wrote here. Busy everyday with studies and other stuffs, life seems so different now, trying to catch up with time. Nothing really special happens, everything is so 'routine', just a straight flat line with no peak and crest. Ironically, life like this supposed to be peaceful and one should always cherish and be thankful to have it, but somehow i am feeling quite bored, with all the studies, eating, playing and of course sleeping.

I wonder what else i can write here, nothing come out from the mind, feel like a zombie, with no soul and a walking body. Need some kind of excitation, something to boost the spirit up, a stupid comedy or a good happy song. I wonder what others will do at times like this...

With the current MBBS course, there are really lots to learn and memorize. Anatomy of the upper and lower limb, the nervous system, pharmacology related to nervous system, basic of musculoskeletal system and all the clinical skills are enough to make me busy. Trying my best to balance between studies and entertainment, i know one has to be sacrficed a little bit more than the other. Even worse, my passion for everything is slowly disintegrated. Probably it's just a phase, i am pretty sure a good movie will be able to 'feed' the 'empty' mind, and find back the passion needed to continue this journey.

Uhh...what i need to do now? I wonder...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Drops Of Memories

It's been few days, i am not sure what has happened. Feeling worried and puzzled, i hope things are fine, and those words are not real. It hurts whenever i thought about them, because i know where is my heart lay on. Lots of flashback, as if advertisements snapping tv programmes. It never ends, just like waves in ocean, leaving marks everytime they come...

I snapped out of my own world when my friends talked to me. Sitting on the bench at pool side in my condo, they were celebrating birthday for a friend. After the cake cutting ceremony, everyone was chatting in their own group. It was raining a bit, and cold wind kept sweeping towards me. It was very cold, but somehow comfortable, soothing enough to reduce the unpleasant inner feelings. I breathed in deeply, and enjoyed the scenary of the pool side. The water looked so inviting that i wished to jump in and float around, watching the sky and perhaps, perhaps it will help...

It was late already, i had been talking, and thinking all the times. Tired, and will things be fine? As the rain drops touched the water surface, pieces of memories emerged in the mind, just like a small radiating wave. So precious, so special and so beautiful...And yes, i missed the moments very much...

Soon, i guess it's time to sleep, no point keep dwelling in the pool of problems, and perhaps things will sort out itself.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Another Day

Mid semester exam has finally over. Feeling extremely relieve, but at the same time irritated for the mistakes i made in the paper. Everything has gone back to normal routine life, wake up early in the morning, attend lectures, do practicals, eat meals, sleep a lot, study a bit and etc...just another typical day.

So, today i got up early because have to visit the old folk's home. Dressed formally, i ran to university to gather with my group members. Departed and then arrived there talking and trying to do some musculoskeletal examination on the elders, with full respect and fondness, but little confidence. After finishing the visit, i returned to my room, rest for a while and then have to take a cab with my selective teams to Pantai Hospital at Bangsar. Spent my whole afternoon in hand and microsurgery clinic with my tutor, learnt quite some knowledge, which i believe will be good in the future. Back to room in the evening, and out again to accompany my friends to buy present for our friend's birthday, which is the least i can do, since i didn't really contribute to anything.

Back at room at almost 11pm. Grabbed my towel and my pyjamas, i went to bathroom to take a shower. I closed my eyes, and stand under the warm water, slowly relaxing myself. My brain is tired, and my soul is missing. Shut down the thinking process, i just wished for a good sleep...