Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Rain has always inspired me in many unexplainable ways, it somehow washes away all the problems for a moment, and slowly it brings a soothing sensation to the surroundings. Everything becomes slow-motion, all the mixtures of noises are disappearing under the rain. As it continues, the problems in the mind are slowing fading, just like the noises surrounding, a sense of peacefulness gradually diffuse in.

Sitting beside the window in the library watching the rain as the droplets of water keep falling from the dark gray moody sky, I stopped reading for a while and enjoyed the beautiful moment. Even so, an odd feeling of sadness slips in silently, as if the rain has brought it together from the sky. I wonder why. Putting aside the feelings, I continue my reading, knowing that my exam is just a week away and as usual I am lagging a lot behind.

After an hour or so, I decided to go back my room. Walking under the mild rain, as cold breeze passes by, I grabbed my book and bag tighter. The leaves and trees seem smiling, totally refresh up. And so, as I walked back, I regained my strength…

Saturday, August 16, 2008

To Stand Up Again

Busy, busy and busy...the pressure is building up, and my head is getting bigger with all the information coding into it. And of course, some other personal issues which constantly put me in worries. I have finally understood the reasons why some people prefer to always stay as child, at least a child doesn't need to think that much. But i suppose this is part of growing up, to learn how to manage own life, and be able to survive on with a smile on face. Ya....i am growing up.

Well, battling with ''worries'' and ''problems'' sometimes can be pretty hard, i have to focus on the present, while these worries and problems keep jumble around with my feelings, and since i only have one head, i can only focus on one problem at one time. So i always try to hide away, whenever i couldn't bear them anymore, to just sleep. But then i know i will have to wake up and continue fighting the ''wars'', for i know that the sweet dreams are just in front there, and that i have all the support and love, i become brave and my mind sight is increased even further, holding the invisible hands.

''Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is gift, that's why it's called the present'', after feeling down for a while, it's time to get up again. To be sad is not an option, but to face and solve the problems is a necessity.