Monday, February 9, 2009

Dreams And Reality

I have done it, i know it and i am sure of it. Time flows, the cycles of dawn and dusk keep repeating again and again, as if nothing has changed, just like a frozen picture reflecting everyday's routine. By the time i realized, i am pretty sure i have lost my inspirations, my ideas and perhaps my innocence...

If one is to do a research on effects of sedentary life on people from all aspects - thoughts, health, ideas, souls and etc, i could probably be the best subject for the research to be carried out. I have wasted a lot of time, no doubt of it. But to think again, nothing is really wasted, only being exchanged in a way much like a business. I have paid my so called ''fees'', and i have gained something in return, something abstract and invisible, like a lesson in life. Perhaps, in the end we all need to give up our dreams and innocence, as a ''fee'' to buy the precious life lesson of the reality in the process of growing up. Dreams will exist as dream, and there won't be fairy godmother to change anything. And how many people are there to have turned the dreams into reality?

The moon is so bright tonight, one of the rare occasions where one can see such elegantly beautiful full moon. Perhaps hidden beneath this veneer of breathtaking beauty is a never ending struggles in the reality world. I am sure the balding rubber trees around and the dogs beside concur as well...

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